Analytical Planning, Programming, Policy & Strategic Integration

Management Consulting Services - We provide a proactive approach to solving issues before they become problems

Examples of Our Work
AP3SI has an outstanding reputation and track record. Open Ratings®, A Dunn & Bradstreet Company, has independently rated AP3SI with a 97% customer satisfaction score. AP3SI demonstrates, through relevant and recent past performance, that we are capable of supporting our clients within multiple disciplines. These projects are just a few examples of how AP3SI provided value to various clients. We are honored to serve!!

Department of the Army / Financial Management
Cost & Economics Analysis Project
AP3SI provides subject matter expertise and understanding associated with strategic analysis, planning, programming, budgeting, and execution (PPBE) of resources. We provide technical expertise, special studies/reports, analysis of alternatives, business process improvement/LSS, cost-benefit analysis, and implementation support to resource management plans and developmental work for financial management operations. Our analysts research, design, and develop models that allow users to analyze resource requirements and execution. The scope under this effort is to provide technical support services in the concentrated areas of cost and economic analysis of major weapon systems, examine force structure, associated acquisition /financial management policies and procedures of the Department of Defense (DoD). In addition, AP3SI provides data analytic and modeling solutions for decision support and process improvement/ Lean Six-Sigma support to various processes. We support and assist the government in anticipating needs based upon their goals/objectives to accomplish their mission and provide alternatives to make the most of scarce resources.
Defense Chief Management Office
Continuous Process Improvement Project
AP3SI delivers highly skilled Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) resources, including process modeling and process analysis, and data and information modeling, and facilitation support, in direct support to process improvement and strategic transformation initiatives across the Department of Defense. CPI resources supporting these initiatives will be expected to apply the DoD’s Standard Practices, including the Business Capability Acquisition Cycle (BCAC) while also leveraging methodologies such as Lean, Six Sigma, Theory of Constraints, Business Process Reengineering, and 8-step Problem Solving. The CPI resources will work closely and collaboratively with SMEs, stakeholders, portfolio teams, functional team members, and external organizations. AP3SI provides support to assist DoD Reform teams in the management of mulitple initiatives, including Project Planning Development, Data Analytics, and Work Breakdown Structures Development.

General Services Administration / Office of Mission Assurance
Business Process Analysis / Business Impact Analysis (BPA/BIA) Project
AP3SI study and analysis provided General Services Administration's (GSA's) Primary Mission Essential Function (PMEF) development and review process applied to all GSA Service and Staff Offices (SSO) and all Regional staff. We addressed all functions and MEFs (to include critical assets where available) to identify possible candidates for consideration as a new GSA PMEF as well as review of the existing PMEF.Per Presidential Policy Directive 40 (PPD-40) & Federal Continuity Directive (FCD). The GSA BPA/BIA identification process was organized into four phases / 5 steps that built on each other, culminating in a comprehensive analysis of the GSA. AP3SI reviewed over 850 functions across over a dozen offices within GSA. Stakeholder input and buy-in included: over 350 Personnel from every organization in GSA; GSA participation of leadership (Chiefs of Staff/Associate Directors) and Subject Matter Experts & Action Officers, 146 meetings and workshops, and an arsenal of new tools developed to assist with data collection and logic driven rules to ensure rigor and validity of input. AP3SI provided innovative techniques and facilitated effective and efficient analysis of GSA data.
OSD/ P&R/ Defense Suicide Prevention Office
Community Partners in Suicide Prevention Outreach & Education Project

This project demonstrates AP3SI’s expertise with project management, metric development, data extraction, literature reviews, facilitation, conducting advanced statistical data analysis, and presenting findings. AP3SI delivered consultant services in development of metrics, providing expertise and advisory services in Lean Six-Sigma (LSS) and Project Management, and providing analytical and modeling support. AP3SI capabilities include data analysis task/deliverables, data collection protocols and data collection templates, and evaluation of the overall program performance. AP3SI assisted with metric development and acceptance; including facilitation and coordination with stakeholders involved with data and program ownership. AP3SI assisted with the integration of pilot project metrics with strategic metrics of the Defense Suicide Prevention Office, the American Association of Suicidologists, the Defense Health Agency, and the National Guard. AP3SI developed a Data Analytical Plan to help with the governance of data and analytical processes. AP3SI also developed, in coordination with stakeholders, an integrated PMP and an issue resolution process to clarify any issues that may occur within the data collection process. Deliverables included the project management plan (PMP), kick-off briefing, integrated MS-Project plan, data collection template, data analysis & governance, and quality assurance/tracking metrics for the project and pilot. AP3SI work included multiple data analytical and advisory services for this project. We coordinated with multiple agencies within the Office of the Secretary of Defense, each Military Service; the Department of Veterans Affairs; several offices/agencies within the Reserve Component; and, multiple civilian agencies.